Saturday, September 15, 2012

Homemade Chocolate Syrup

Have you noticed how much it is to purchase good chocolate syrup in the store? It's crazy expensive. So why not make it. Yah I was skeptic at first, could it really be as good? Yes, yes it can. Plus you can adjust the sweetness to your taste, and you know what is actually in the recipe.

You can add it to coffee, milk, ice cream, milkshakes, etc. Whatever you use chocolate syrup for you can use this. Now I didn't craft some magical recipe, but did come across two that are great, and easy to double, if you have some chocolate sauce fiends in your household ;P

These recipes need to be refrigerated, and if you want to feel like a super star re-use a glass jar, or container you already have. Want to be fancy, you can buy something stylish to put it in. I never turn down a shopping trip!

The first recipe comes from Retro Housewife Goes Green (plus she is a friend of mine) so I knew I would like it ha!
Seriously 5 easy ingredients, and if you like to bake, I bet you have them all on hand to give it a go.

The second recipe I spied from one of my favorite sites, pinterest. Seriously I think I have a problem.
This one has the same 5 easy ingredients, but a lot more sugar, and a tad more water.

What one will you try?! I have made both, and both are great.

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